The Atmosphere

Monday, July 24, 2006

Say It Ain't So!

I know I've been traveling quite a bit recently, but somehow I missed the headline that the United States abandoned the Constitution's clauses regarding civil liberty, choosing instead to adopt socialist policies.

Over the weekend, CNN told the story of a cancer-ridden teenager fighting for his life. In his quest for survival, he started using alternative treatments, such as a sugar-free, organic diet and herbal supplements since three months of chemotherapy previously undergone made him nauseated and weak. Amazingly, Virginia Social Services intervened and charged his parents with neglect for allowing him to cease "approved" methods (ie. chemotherapy). Meanwhile, they seized custody of the boy. Who knows if they are now forcing him to undergo involuntary chemotherapy treatments. It remains baffling as to how our government--one founded supremely on individual liberty--could not only allow this action to take place, but to support it judiciously. Disgusting.

Someone sound the alarm. Lady Liberty wave your torch. The Marxists have invaded!


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